termite Mining abilities

Aardvarks continually burrow new homes, leaving their old burrows for other species to inhabit. They primarily raid earthen mounds for termites and ants. With their thick skin and long snouts, they are immune to bites from the insects they mine as they slurp up termites with their long sticky tongue.

They are recognised as the only living member of order Tublidentata ("Tube Teeth") and are actually related to elephants! The split occurred as much as 90 millionyears ago and fossils of the order Tublidentata have been dated as far back as 54 million years ago!

Their Longevity and desire to mine termites brings benefit to all humans and their houses and as such, are the inspiration for this token offering.

To show our appreciation of this aptly named "Antbear", the birth of the Aardvark coin was realised.

This token is dedicated to all the aardvarks out there; you know who you are.

Aardvark = Resilience

This token is a social experiment

The Aardvark is not endangered and the earth is not flat. This token is completely fiat, has no current worth, no current backing, absolutely no value whatsoever in the eyes of anyone. It is not intended to be an investment of any sort.

Like the Aardvark, we are blocking our burrows to keep the predators out, building new burrows and ventures and gaming platforms and exploring the possibility of being more like the Aardvark.

Burrowing online communities, interactive portals for lifestyle, trading and entertainment, the Aardvark coin will be used to power transactions, connect gamers and incentivise adoption of token-based gaming. The future is Aardvark with rewards for those with long tongues!

AArdvark = Evolution

Copyright aardvark